速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone

Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone



檔案大小:39.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:俄文, 德語, 日語, 法文, 簡體中文, 義大利文, 英語, 西班牙文, 阿拉伯文

Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone maker with free musi(圖1)-速報App

Free music for all users. We are giving away great music for free! And the best part it's legal!

Discover new music, make great ringtones and have ultimate fun with Ringtonium!

*** Top 100 in 30 countries

*** Top 5 in Russia and USA (Music category)

*** “The best ringtone creation app for iPhone” - iMore.com

*** More than 1 300 000 users and counting!

Ringtonium is a remarkably accurate tool for creating, editing, and sharing ringtones.

Enjoy the ringtone creation process upon the very first launch.

The real highlight of new Ringtonium is the opportunity to discover new music, kindly provided by young and talented musicians and here’s the best part – it’s FREE!

Customize your iPhone with unique ringtones, tones and alerts! Make ringtones like a pro!

Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone maker with free musi(圖2)-速報App

We give you a great opportunity to test our premium feature from Ringtonium Pro with no payments involved. We give you an access to the entire handpicked music collection for 7 days. During trial period you can download music for free and use it to make great ringtones without limits.

Top Features:

– Unlimited number of FREE ringtones

– Extremely easy to use

– 2 sound filters to add to your tones

– Super accurate editing- up to 0.01 sec

– Remarkably high and distortion free mic recording

– Supports 9 languages incl. Chinese, Japanese and Arabic

– Build-in video tutorials

– MACRO tuning wheel engine

Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone maker with free musi(圖3)-速報App

– Share ringtones via email


BTW, here you can see how we work and create apps - https://facebook.com/BambooApps Join now and be the first to know about new apps, contests and giveaways.

Contact us right from the app’s info screen or email at feature@bam-boo.mobi We check our mailbox every time and try to respond to every letter.


Thank you guys for your support!

Please update your reviews for the new version. Your excellent reviews inspire us to keep new updates coming!


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Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone maker with free musi(圖4)-速報App

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Ringtonium Lite – a remarkable ringtone maker with free musi(圖5)-速報App
